Grote afvaardiging vanuit CAHAL op 55e editie AEPC

Afgelopen week werd de 55e editie van het jaarlijkse congres van de Association for European Paediatric and congenital Cardiology (AEPC) georganiseerd in Genève. Een grote afvaardiging vanuit het CAHAL nam deel aan dit congres. CAHAL specialisten en promovendi gaven vele wetenschappelijke presentaties of zaten sessies voor.

Cahal Aepc 3

Hieronder een greep uit de wetenschappelijke bijdragen vanuit het CAHAL:

  • What can the interventionalist learn from the surgeon about 3D techniques
    Prof. Dr. Mark Hazekamp
  • Tricuspid regurgitation in fetal life – different types of tricuspid dysplasia in fetal life
    Dr. Sally Ann Clur
  • Antiarrhythmic therapy
    Prof. Dr. Nico Blom
  • Foetal tricuspid valve agenesis/atresia: testing predictions of the embryonic aetiology
    Drs. Marieke Buijtendijk
  • Short term outcomes after prenatal detection of right aortic arch
    Drs. Bo Bet
  • Prenatal detection rate of aortic coarctation in a well-organized screenings setting: are we there yet?
    Drs. Fleur Zwanenburg
  • Kawasaki disease and the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: rare lessons from a cohort of more than 1000 Kawasaki patients in The Netherlands
    Drs. Stejara A Netea
  • EP study +- ablation prior to pulmonary valve replacement in tetralogy of Fallot
    Prof. Dr. Nico Blom
  • Puzzle the Experts
    Drs. Ingmar Knobbe
  • Connecting right and left
    Dr. Nathan Hahurij
  • Prenatal assessment of systemic right ventricle
    Dr. Sally Ann Clur
  • The effect of electro-anatomical mapping on the success rate and fluoroscopy time in supra-ventricular tachycardia ablation in children
    Drs. Robin Bertels
  • Orthostatic tolerance of paediatric Fontan patients and the effect of Enalapril treatment
    Drs. Lisette Harteveld
  • Abnormal ratio of three-vessel view in fetuses with right aortic arch
    Drs. Bo Bet
  • Fetal echocardiographic-based three-dimensional heart models: creating a web-based application as a new learning tool
    Drs. Marieke Buijtendijk
Β© CAHAL 1 juni 2022