
Mw. Dr. A.E. (Annelies) van der Hulst is kindercardioloog. Ze heeft de opleiding kindergeneeskunde in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum en de opleiding kindercardiologie in het Amsterdam UMC gevolgd.

In 2011 promoveerde ze cum laude op het proefschrift “Advanced echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in congenital heart disease, insight in right ventricular mechanics and clinical implications”.

Sinds 2019 is zij kindercardioloog in het Amsterdam UMC met als aandachtsgebieden non-invasieve cardiale beeldvorming, foetale cardiologie en het syndroom van Marfan.


Structured Multidisciplinary Follow-Up After Pediatric Intensive Care: A Model for Continuous Data-Driven Health Care Innovation.
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies
Edition: 1529-7535 | Pages: 484-498
Growth of the aortic root in children and young adults with Marfan syndrome.
Open heart
Edition: 2053-3624 | Pages: e002097
Midline crossing pulmonary vein: right upper lobe dual venous drainage, with partial anomalous venous return of the right lung into a persistent left superior vena cava.
Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA
Edition: 0930-1038 | Pages: 99-103
Atrial strain: an important addition to the armamentarium of non-invasively assessing Fontan function?
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging
Edition: 1569-5794 | Pages: 2661-2662
Impact of vacuum bell on thoracic shape and cardiac function in pectus excavatum.
Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography
Edition: 1934-5925 | Pages: e17-e19