Dhr. Dr. E.R. (Eduard) Holman is cardioloog en heeft als aandachtsgebied niet-invasieve cardiale beeldvorming bij patiënten met aangeboren hartafwijkingen.
Revealing Unforeseen Diagnostic Image Features With Deep Learning by Detecting Cardiovascular Diseases From Apical 4-Chamber Ultrasounds.
Cheng LH, Bosch PBJ, Hofman RFH, Brakenhoff TB, Bruggemans EF, van der Geest RJ, Holman ER.
Journal of the American Heart Association
Edition: 2047-9980 | Pages: e024168
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Impaired Global Longitudinal Strain Is Associated with Cardiovascular Events in Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors.
Polomski EAS, Heemelaar JC, Krol ADG, Louwerens M, Beeres SLMA, Holman ER, Jukema JW, Schalij MJ, Antoni ML.
Edition: 2072-6694 | Pages: 2329
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Elevated resting heart rate is a marker of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in hodgkin lymphoma survivors.
Heemelaar JC, Krol ADG, Louwerens M, L M A Beeres S, Holman ER, Schalij MJ, Louisa Antoni M.
International journal of cardiology. Heart & vasculature
Edition: 2352-9067 | Pages: 100830
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Validation and Feasibility of Echocardiographic Assessment of Systemic Right Ventricular Function: Serial Correlation With MRI.
Zandstra TE, Jongbloed MRM, Widya RL, Ten Harkel ADJ, Holman ER, Mertens BJA, Vliegen HW, Egorova AD, Schalij MJ, Kiès P.
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine
Edition: 2297-055X | Pages: 644193
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CT Angiography of the Heart and Aorta in TIA and Ischaemic Stroke: Cardioembolic Risk Sources and Clinical Implications.
Holswilder G, Wermer MJ, Holman ER, Kruyt ND, Kroft LJ, van Walderveen MA.
Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association
Edition: 1052-3057 | Pages: 105326
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