Drs. K. Hogenbirk
Neurocognitive, Psychosocial, and Quality of Life Outcomes After Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Admitted to the PICU.
Otten MH, Buysse CMP, Buddingh EP, Terheggen-Lagro SWJ, von Asmuth EGJ, de Sonnaville ESV, Ketharanathan N, Bunker-Wiersma HE, Haverman L, Hogenbirk K, de Hoog M, Humblet M, Joosten KFM, Kneyber MCJ, Krabben G, Lemson J, Maas NM, Maebe S, Roeleveld PP, van Schooneveld M, Timmers-Raaijmaakers B, van Waardenburg D, Walker JC, Wassenberg R, van Woensel JBM, de Wit E, Wolthuis DW, van Zwol A, Oostrom KJ, Knoester H, Dulfer K.
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies
Edition: 1529-7535 | Pages: 289-300
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Rhinovirus Detection in the Nasopharynx of Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Is Not Associated With Longer PICU Length of Stay: Results of the Impact of Rhinovirus Infection After Cardiac Surgery in Kids (RISK) Study.
Roeleveld PP, Van Rijn AL, de Wilde RBP, van Zwet EW, Wink J, Rozendaal L, Hogenbirk K, Hazekamp MG, Man WH, Sidorov I, Kraakman MEM, Claas ECJ, de Jonge E, Kroes ACM, de Vries JJC.
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies
Edition: 1529-7535 | Pages: e79-e90
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Bilateral pneumothorax complicated by extraperitoneal air.
van Beek D, Fernandes N, Hazekamp M, Hogenbirk K.
BMJ case reports
Edition: 1757-790X | Pages: bcr2014205463
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Evaluation of a bedside device to assess the activated partial thromboplastin time for heparin monitoring in infants.
Klein RH, van der Vorst MM, de Wilde RB, Hogenbirk K, de Kam ML, Burggraaf J.
Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis
Edition: 0957-5235 | Pages: 327-331
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Mortality prediction models for pediatric intensive care: comparison of overall and subgroup specific performance.
Visser IH, Hazelzet JA, Albers MJ, Verlaat CW, Hogenbirk K, van Woensel JB, van Heerde M, van Waardenburg DA, Jansen NJ, Steyerberg EW.
Intensive care medicine
Edition: 0342-4642 | Pages: 942-950
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