Greenhouse gas emissions due to inhalation anaesthetics in the Netherlands, usage data and a survey of preferences among Dutch anaesthesiologists.
Friedericy HJ, Venema PAHT, Lockyer JF, Kweekel DM, van der Eijk AC, Jansen FW, Sarton EY.
European journal of anaesthesiology and intensive care | Pages: e0065
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Effect of unidirectional airflow ventilation on surgical site infection in cardiac surgery: environmental impact as a factor in the choice for turbulent mixed air flow.
Friedericy HJ, Friedericy AF, de Weger A, van Dorp ELA, Traversari RAAL, van der Eijk AC, Jansen FW.
The Journal of hospital infection
Edition: 0195-6701 | Pages: 51-57
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User experience of wearing comfort of reusable versus disposable surgical gowns and environmental perspectives: A cross-sectional survey.
van Nieuwenhuizen KE, Friedericy HJ, van der Linden S, Jansen FW, van der Eijk AC.
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Edition: 1470-0328 | Pages: 709-715
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Biventricular function in exercise during autonomic (thoracic epidural) block.
Wink J, Steendijk P, Tsonaka R, de Wilde RBP, Friedericy HJ, Braun J, Veering BT, Aarts LPHJ, Wouters PF.
European journal of applied physiology
Edition: 1439-6319 | Pages: 1405-1418
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[Steps for reducing the carbon footprint of the operating room].
Friedericy HJ, Sperna Weiland NH, van der Eijk AC, Jansen FW.
Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde
Edition: 0028-2162 | Pages: D4095