
Greenhouse gas emissions due to inhalation anaesthetics in the Netherlands, usage data and a survey of preferences among Dutch anaesthesiologists.
European journal of anaesthesiology and intensive care
| Pages: e0065
Effect of unidirectional airflow ventilation on surgical site infection in cardiac surgery: environmental impact as a factor in the choice for turbulent mixed air flow.
The Journal of hospital infection
Edition: 0195-6701 | Pages: 51-57
User experience of wearing comfort of reusable versus disposable surgical gowns and environmental perspectives: A cross-sectional survey.
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Edition: 1470-0328 | Pages: 709-715
Biventricular function in exercise during autonomic (thoracic epidural) block.
European journal of applied physiology
Edition: 1439-6319 | Pages: 1405-1418
[Steps for reducing the carbon footprint of the operating room].
Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde
Edition: 0028-2162 | Pages: D4095